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LATHYRUS ODORATUS - sweet peas with real scent!

These annual sweet peas all have one thing in common: a very intense scent that you'll be able to notice from a distance.
Furthermore, they are exceptional cut flowers: the more you'll pick, the more new flowers will appear.
From early February, you can sow Lathyrus odoratus inside: sow the seeds 1 cm deep in pots with seed compost, keep nicely moist and - if necessary - moderately warm until germination. Once they germinate, keep the seedlings cool and plant them out as soon as they have reached a height of 10 cm, no matter what the temperature is outside – they don't mind cold weather! They react to the cold by lying flat and making new stems. The result is a strong, branched plant that can be planted anywhere you like in the garden at a later stage.