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To help you become more familiar with the different types of seeds and drying, cleaning and storing techniques, we are inviting you to the workshop offering clear demonstration and explanation:

on Wednesday, August 26th or Thursday, September 3rd, September 9th,  (choose your day)

 each at 2pm

We will have a look through the garden, discover seeds in all forms and stages, identify and harvest ripe seeds.

After that, you will have the opportunity to harvest seeds on your own of three different spieces of annuals and learn various methods of cleaning, eventually returning home with self harvested, cleaned and packed seed.

Participation fee: € 15 per person

Registration is required

-by e-mail and bank transfer to the account number BE84 0016 6636 8959 of De Groenling bvba with the reference: workshop + selected date!

-via the Calendar section of the website